Friday, April 2, 2010

Symphonic Synthesis

Herbert and I went for a walk in our old stomping grounds after his work today. We looked over the blackberry bushes and commented how they are all budding. There will be a bountiful crop this summer - lots of jam on its way.

Conversation flowed to our inner yearnings. It's a wonderful moment in our lives to take stock of what we have accomplished and learned in our work, relationships, our inner growth and awareness. What was interesting was the desire to see the link between all these experiences and how they worked together in the kaleidoscope of our lives.

There is a thread that binds all these experiences together - they form the fabric of our lives. Introspection allows us to see this inner weaving and by stepping back we can see the ultimate pattern. Have we created with our choices a beautiful depiction of our history? Have we created a masterpiece that illustrates an evolving, dancing pattern, each thread like the string of a lute and the impressions of our experiences creating a symphony that is a feast for our senses and tickles our soul with delight?

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